Python Program

Data Science & AI

language for Grade 9-12.

teach in their Curriculum.

- Live Interactive Sessions
- Personalized curriculum
- Project-based learning
- Gamified quizzes
- Provide class recordings
- Perfect for children between the ages of 10 and 18
- No prior programming background is required, making it accessible to all young learners
- Students with prior programming experience will have the opportunity to join our advanced level courses


- Introduction to turtle programming
- Turtle programming activity
- For loop
- Turtle Racing game
- Conditional statement Basics
- Conditional Statement Advanced
- Find winner in turtle racing game
- While loop
- Rock Paper Scissor Game
- Variables & Datatypes
- Final Project: Traffic Controller using Turtle Programming
- Final Project Presentation and Evaluation
Advance Level

- Operators in Python
- List in Python
- Tuples
- Python Dictionaries
- Make your shopping basket
- Functions in Python
- Fun with Functions
- Anonymous Functions
- Betting Game
- Movie Recommender System
- Final Project: Building a Game Bot
- Final Project Presentation and Evaluation
- Data AI
- Pandas Foundation
- Data Processing with Pandas
- Descriptive Statistics
- Applications of Statistics
- Exploratory Data Analysis
- Understanding Distributions
- Relationships using EDA tools
- Advance Pandas 1
- Advance Pandas 2
- Project: Build a Recommendation Engine
- Final Project Presentation and Evaluation

Features of the project:
Auhona Chakraborty from Thailand created a project called the Face Recognition Attendance Marking System. The functionality of this app is to register new profiles by asking for name and ID and capturing images.

Features of the project:
Megha Nilesh Varma created a project named Diabetes Prediction App. It uses data of BMI, Age, and number of pregnancies incurred and analyses them with respect to the loaded dataset, and determines whether a Female is diabetic or not.

Kids Python programs are typically suitable for children between the ages of 10 and 18.
Python programs offer a range of skills for children to learn, including:
- Understanding fundamental programming concepts like variables, loops, and conditionals.
- Developing problem-solving and logical thinking skills.
- Writing and executing Python code.
- Creating simple programs and projects.
- Collaborating with peers on coding challenges and projects.
- Gaining a foundation for future programming languages and concepts.
Participating in a kids Python program can offer numerous benefits, including:
- Developing problem-solving and critical thinking skills.
- Building a foundation in programming and computational thinking.
- Enhancing logical reasoning abilities.